BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Pelvic Health Physiotherapy: Pelvic organ prolapse - advancing your practice UID:180 DESCRIPTION:Pelvic, Obstetric and Gynaecological Physiotherapy\n\nPelvic Health Physiotherapy:\n\nPelvic organ prolapse – advancing your practice\n\n \n\n28 June 2025 - Online\n\n \n\n£275 POGP member/affiliate\n\n£325 non-member\n\nPelvic organ prolapse affects up to 50% of women and up to approx. 20% women will seek physiotherapy for symptomatic prolapse. Vaginal prolapse is increasingly common in urogynaecology physiotherapy practice.\n\nThis POGP course will provide the participant with the confidence to more fully assess the prolapse and corelate it to the symptoms reported. Gaining an understanding of the anatomy of prolapse and its relevance to symptoms and rehabilitation will help the course participant to provide a programme that meets the needs of women and people who seek to manage their condition with non-surgical management.\n\nParticipants will also be helped to understand what management techniques may be more suited to different types of prolapse including helping women and people to know more about non-surgical options for treatment.\n\nThis advancing your practice course requires participants to have at least a year of experience in urogynaecological physiotherapy and have experience in digital vaginal examination. Please note that there are no practical sessions on this online course.\n\nThe course includes: relevant anatomy and physiology; the components of subjective and objective assessment; review of the current research and evidence for treatment; theory of conservative management and surgical treatment options and professional considerations. \n\nProgramme objectives:\n\nTo provide evidence based information on the epidemiology, presentation and symptomology of pelvic organ prolpase (POP).\n\nTo provide evidence based information on the assessment and treatment options for POP, including an effective programme of physiotherapy management.\n\nLearning outcomes:\n\nunderstand the anatomical changes related to pelvic organ prolapse (POP), the classification of POP and the relationship to symptomology\n\nunderstand the prevalence, causes and symptoms relating to POP and the impact on quality of life\n\nunderstand the  subjective assessment and the components of an objective assessment of POP including digital rectal examination\n\nbe able to devise an appropriate conservative management programme including  pelvic floor muscle retraining  \n\nunderstand the role of pessaries and other adjuncts in a conservative management programme\n\nhave up to date knowledge on the role of surgery in POP\n\nbe able to choose and use valid outcome measures in POP\n\nbe aware of and conform to professional standards in relation to the assessment of women with pelvic floor dysfunction\n\nbe able to identify what physiotherapy service is required for women with POP\n\n \n\nPre-course learning\n\nPrior to the course the participant will be provided with a link to the learning platform with modules to complete on POP anatomy, assessment and professional issues.  Participants should allow 2 hours for this modular pre-learning. This will help the participant develop the necessary skills required to further their knowledge on the day.  \n\nThese modules are to be completed before the live course to ensure learning outcomes are met.  \n\nIf you practice in the UK it is recommended that you familiarise yourself with the following document prior to the workshop:\n\nPD078_Consent_Apr2022.docx.pdf (\n\nWhilst course does not include any practical teaching it is important that you are familiar with this document.  \n\nFor those participants who have not previously attended the ‘Physiotherapy assessment and management of female urinary dysfunction’ programme it is recommended that you review the anatomy of the pelvic floor – the endopelvic fascia, levator ani, perineal membrane, external superficial muscles, external anal sphincter and associated pelvic muscles (eg obturator internus & piriformis).\n\nYou may find it helpful to view diagrams to demonstrate the layers, especially regarding the muscles that you are able to palpate. Useful links include:\n\n\n\n\n\nKey article on prolapse assessment:\n\nAbbas, N. and Reid, F., 2022. Pelvic organ prolapse: anatomical and functional assessment. Obstetrics, Gynaecology & Reproductive Medicine, 32(7), pp.127-134.\n\nThe following book will be helpful as further pre-workshop learning:\n\nLaycock J., Haslam J. (eds) (2008) Therapeutic Management of Incontinence and Pelvic Pain (2nd Ed). Springer, London. Chs: Patient assessment and Pelvic organ prolapse\n\nRELEVANT PRE-COURSE EXPERIENCE\n\nBy booking on this course you are confirming that you have at least one year’s experience in the assessment/management of women with urogynaecological  symptoms.\n\n DTSTART:20250628T080000Z DTEND:20250628T160000Z END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR