BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Introduction to Pelvic Health - an entry level course UID:184 DESCRIPTION:Pelvic, Obstetric and Gynaecological Physiotherapy\n\n \n\nIntroduction to Pelvic Health - an entry level course\n\n \n\nPILOT COURSE - 29 March 2025 - £375\n\n \n\nPontefract Hospital, Friarwood Lane, Pontefract, WF8 1PL\n\n \n\nAre you an Allied Health Professional (Osteopath, Chiropractor, Midwife, Midwifery Support Worker), GP or Exercise Professional interested in finding out more about Pelvic Health and Rehabilitation? \n\nThis introductory programme comprises a one day POGP certified workshop. It provides participants with the opportunity to learn more about pelvic health throughout the lifespan and the role of health professionals in promoting optimal pelvic well-being and prevention/management of common pelvic floor dysfunctions such as incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse. \n\nThe programme has been developed for registered health and fitness professionals and support workers who may or may not currently be working in the field of pelvic health but wish to develop their knowledge and skills to better support their clients/patients in collaboration with other pelvic health specialists. It is not suitable for physiotherapy students but may be useful for a newly-qualified physiotherapists preparing for a rotation in pelvic health or an MSK physiotherapist starting to treat this cohort of patients. \n\nThe workshop content includes: professional issues; relevant anatomy and physiology; theory and planning of various treatment options including pelvic floor muscle exercise, bladder and bowel training, down-training of the overactive pelvic floor, management of menopause symptoms, lifestyle interventions, and application of exercise principles to pelvic health management.  \n\n \n\nProgramme objectives: \n\nIntroduce evidence-based information of the pathophysiology and symptomology of pelvic health problems in females and males.  \n\nTo provide a tool kit of information that can be used in the initial steps of assessment and management of pelvic health problems.  \n\nTo provide an understanding of the role of pelvic health physiotherapists working with women and men with pelvic health problems.  \n\nTo provide an understanding of the wider multi-disciplinary team (MDT) working with women and men with pelvic health problems.   \n\n \n\nLearning outcomes: \n\nOn completion of the programme the participants should be: \n\nAble to understand and describe healthy male and female pelvic floor anatomy. \n\nAble to understand and describe healthy pelvic physiology, including bladder and bowel function. \n\nAble to understand pelvic health throughout the lifespan, what goes wrong and why. \n\nAble to review and formulate an effective management plan for pelvic health problems including strategies such as pelvic floor muscle training, general exercise and lifestyle interventions. \n\nAware of, and conform to, professional standards and individual scope of practice in relation to the initial assessment and management of pelvic health. \n\n  \n\nProgramme requirements: \n\nIn order to complete the programme, participants must successfully complete all components, which are: \n\nA number of directed study tasks prior to the one day workshop, which are provided to participants at the time their place is confirmed.\n\nAttendance at the one-day POGP workshop ‘Introduction to Pelvic Health:  an entry level course’’. \n\n  \n\nPOGP Workshop programme (subject to variation):\n\n08.45   Registration \n\n09-00   Welcome and introduction \n\n09.30   Normal anatomy and function \n\n10.30   Break \n\n10.45   Pathophysiology- what goes wrong and why \n\n12.30   Lunch \n\n13.15   Treatment of Pelvic Health conditions (including practical) \n\n15.15   Break  \n\n15.30   Case studies \n\n16.00   Facilitated reflective practice                                      \n\n16.15   Conclusion              \n\n16.45   Questions and discussion \n\n17.00   Close \n\n \n\nParticipant support: \n\nThere will be e-mail support with tutors following the workshop (on request), as well as group support (with permission of the course participants) \n\n DTSTART:20250329T084500Z DTEND:20250329T170000Z LOCATION:Pontefract END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR