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Managing lumbopelvic pain in pregnancy: a new physiotherapy approach


A new management programme for pregnant women with pelvic girdle pain was developed and evaluated. The initiative improved the effectiveness and efficiency of the pelvic health physiotherapy team. This patient-centred pregnancy service included a one-to-one assessment with a pelvic health physiotherapist followed by a group session. The purpose of this new management programme was to ensure that pregnant women were being individually assessed, as per the European and Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists guidelines. It also ensured that they were provided with advice, education and an exercise programme within a group setting. The development of this service has resulted in increased patient satisfaction rates, and a better-organized and more-productive service.

Keywords: low back pain, lumbopelvic pain, pelvic girdle pain, pregnancy, service evaluation.

Journal Details

Journal Title: POGP Journal 118 - Spring 2016

Issue Date: 01 June 2016

Issue: 118