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The Editorial Team

Managing Editor and Publisher on behalf of POGP

Andrew J. Wilson

Picture of Andrew Wilson

Andrew reports directly to the clinical editor, and oversees all aspects of the journal from copy-editing and proof-reading to publication. He liaises with the Journal Subcommittee, contributors, advertisers, typesetters and printers. The managing editor is appointed by the Journal Subcommittee in consultation with the POGP Trustees and is paid by the Association.


Andrew graduated from the University of Edinburgh in 1985. He began his career at Blackwell Scientific Publishing Ltd, where he was responsible for a range of medical journals. A freelance editor and writer since 1994, he has worked on the POGP journal since 2000. During this time, Andrew has edited over a thousand different articles, redesigned the publication, and provided the Journal Subcommittee with continuity and access to his extensive archives. His articles, short stories and poetry have appeared all over the world, sometimes in the most unlikely places. He was nominated for the 2020 and 2022 Dwarf Stars Award for the best short speculative poem of the previous year.

Publishing Office

Andrew J Wilson

15 Bughtlin Loan


EH12 8UZ



Grá inne M. Donnelly

ORCID number: 0000-0002-3437-4196

As Editor-in-Chief of the POGP journal, Grá inne also sits on the Board of Trustees. In her lead role as editor, she chairs the Journal Subcommittee and oversees the running operations of the journal. With the assistance of the assistant and honorary editors, submissions are assessed to ensure that the subject matter is of interest to the readership and is in line with the mission of the journal. She allocates each submission to a minimum of two of our peer reviewers as part of the double-blind peer review process. She then steers the authors through the publication process from submission to final publication. As Editor-in-Chief, Gráinne makes final Editorial decisions in collaboration with the core Editorial team for the journal and helps to promote the visibility and impact of the journal.


Grainne is an Advanced Physiotherapy Practitioner in pelvic health working in private practice and research. She completed a Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy from Ulster University in 2008, postgraduate certificate in continence practice in 2018 from the University of Bradford and a Masters of Science in Advancing Practice in Physiotherapy from Ulster University in 2022. She is currently a doctoral research student at Cardiff Metropolitan University. She has over 13 years experience in the NHS, working in the team lead position prior to leaving to focus on research. She is passionate about bridging the gap between academia and clinical practice.

In 2020 Gráinne won the Sport NI Research award for her involvement in developing the research base for physical activity and running postpartum. She continues to build a series of publications relevant to perinatal physical activity, diastasis rectus abdominis and pelvic floor dysfunction and sport. 

She is currently editing a book with Elsevier titled "Sports Medicine and the Pelvic Floor - Science to Practice which includes a mulitdisciplinary team of expert contributors from around the world. It is due for publication in early 2026.

Outside of work Gráinne is a mum of 4 young kids and enjoys the outdoors, learning and practicing gardening and playing tennis.


Assistant Editor

Biljana Kennaway

Biljana helps to screen the papers that are submitted to the journal and lead the double-blinded peer-review process. She loves to review the books and products and takes charge of processing most accepted articles, and therefore, is very busy during the proof-reading stage of the publishing cycle. Biljana also helps to promotes the journal’s international visibility through her network of contacts. As part of the core Editorial team, Biljana is involved in key operational and publication related decision making.


After gaining a BSc from the University of London in 2002, Biljana began her career in physiotherapy at the Imperial College London group of hospitals, which inspired her interest in combining musculoskeletal and pelvic health physiotherapy. In 2022 Biljana have been awarded MSc in Advanced Clinical Practice in Pelvic Health from the Brunel University, London.  Despite moving to Switzerland, Biljana continued to commute and work in the NHS London for a while, and for the Australian Physiotherapy and Pilates Institute, co-authoring teaching material and presenting in the UK and internationally. In Geneva, she worked in a private physiotherapy clinic and in 2015 started lecturing at La Haute école de santé Genève. In 2016, Biljana and her family moved to Zurich, where she continues to work as a pelvic health and sports physiotherapist and is learning German. She serves a multilingual population that mainly consists of athletes and new mothers, and runs corporate workshops on promoting pelvic health in men and women. She has developed postgraduate educational courses in pelvic health, teaching physiotherapists, nurses and personal trainers across Switzerland and in 2022 she established the first journal club for the members of the pelvic health physiotherapy association in the French part of Switzerland. Biljana is a CrossFitter, a master Pilates instructor, and a mum of two.

She is a peer-reviewer to Sports Health and other Journals alike and has published three articles to date and more are under its way.


Social Media Officer

Sarah Papagiorcopulo

As the Social Media Officer, Sarah ensures the smooth running of the POGP Journal’s Twitter account (@JPOGP) and links in with the POGP Communications team to plan journal related outputs across all POGP platforms and channels. Her role also looks at how to improve technological efficiency to better communicate information with POGP Journal subscribers. 


Sarah Papagiorcopulo is a qualified and registered physiotherapist in both Malta and the United Kingdom. She graduated with a Bachelor of Science (Honours) degree in Physiotherapy at the University of Malta in 2019. During her training, Sarah gained experience in several areas of physiotherapy and also spent some time training in the Netherlands, at the UMCU Hospital in Utrecht. Sarah has worked for both the Maltese and UK NHS, and is currently based in Liverpool. She is very proactive in her career, always striving to better her knowledge and skills in her area of work. In fact, Sarah quickly became involved in the POGP Journal Committee, acting as the Social Media Officer and formely acting as the News Editor too. Sarah is very passionate about and has always had a special interest in Women’s and Pelvic Health. She is fully focussed on continuing to develop her skills, and bringing to light the important and beneficial role of physiotherapy within this field.

Research Reviews Editor

Katharine Mamy (She/Her/They/Them)

I have a team of willing volunteers who are each allocated a journal according to their interests, and each month they search their journal for articles relevant to physiotherapy.  These are then passed to our communications person for tweeting.  Twice a year the most relevant / exciting research articles are summarised in a short article for the POGP journal.


Kat has recently started as clinical lead in pelvic and breast health at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and enjoys working with a great team. She gained her passion for pelvic health working alongside inspirational people at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust and Tameside and Glossop Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust. She has developed interests in research, education, pelvic pain and reducing healthcare inequalities for the LGBTQI+ community.


Rosie Harper 

ORCID Number: 0000-0003-3414-7580


Rosie is the co-editor of the Research Reviews section of the journal. This involves meeting with the POGP Journal Editorial team as well as co-ordinating and editing research reviews submitted by POGP members on interesting and topical research. In addition, Rosie collates current articles of interest shared by POGP members for the Research Links database hosted on the POGP website. 

Rosie is a clinical academic pelvic health physiotherapist in Dorset who developed a passion for pelvic health physiotherapy during her undergraduate placements at Cardiff University. In 2021 Rosie was awarded a match-funded PhD Studentship with NIHR ARC Wessex, University Hospitals Doeset NHS Foundation Trust and Bourneouth University. Her doctoral research explores the role of digital 'nudges' as a means of supporting perinatal women with pelvic floor muscle training. Rosie works clinically in both the NHS and private sector and is currently running a clinical trial at Poole Hospital.

Book and Product Reviews Editor

Romy Tudor

Romy Tudor


Romy works with a range of volunteers to review any interesting or new products relevant to our clinical area. She also explores new book publications for potential reviews, many of which will be discussed as by the Journal Subcommittee. As well as coordinating and editing reviews, she enjoys writing some too.

Romy graduated from the University of Brighton in 2001. She then worked in Sussex in an NHS setting for 15 years, mostly at Worthing Hospital. She specialised in pelvic, obstetric and gynaecological physiotherapy in 2003, and gained her Postgraduate Certificate in Continence for Physiotherapists at Bradford in 2006. Romy worked as a clinical team lead for 6 years before having her third child and then moving to New Zealand in 2016. Over in the southern hemisphere, she has continued to work in a range of pelvic health physiotherapy jobs, including public health, private clinics and community allied health triage, which has also led to her working alongside community continence nurses and the development of various triage and treatment pathways.

Romy is very busy with three kids under 11! She enjoys hot yoga, swimming and the outdoors.

Notes and News Editor

Amy Lavery


Amy Lavery, the newly appointed Notes and News Editor for the POGP, brings a wealth of experience and dedication to her role. She graduated from Liverpool University in 2009 with a Bachelor of Science (Honours) degree in Physiotherapy and has since gained 15 years of diverse experience in the field. Amy’s career has spanned both the NHS and private practice, with her recent focus entirely on private practice in Derry/Londonderry, Northern Ireland.

Throughout her career, Amy has specialised in musculoskeletal (MSK) and neuro physiotherapy, driven by a deep passion for movement and helping others. This year, Amy expanded her focus to pelvic health physiotherapy, with a special interest in supporting women post-C-section.

Eager to continue developing her skills and knowledge, Amy is excited to take on the role of Notes and News Editor for the POGP. She looks forward to contributing to the community, staying at the forefront of developments in her field, and connecting with colleagues and peers across the profession.

Infographics Editor

Claire Brodie


Claire qualified from King’s College London in 2005 and started her career working in London at Guy's and St Thomas'. After having children she moved from London to East Sussex where she decided to pursue a career in pelvic health. 

In 2018 Claire left the NHS and set up her own practice in East Sussex, specialising in women’s health and sports physio. She does this part time alongside looking after her three children who are now 13, 11 and 9. 

Outside of work Claire enjoys playing netball in a local team, dog walks in the countryside and time with family & friends. 

She has always had a keen interest in research and so was delighted to come aboard the editorial team of the POGP to design infographics on some of their latest articles. 


Peer reviews Editor

Amy Williamsons


Amy is the Peer Review Managing Editor for the journal. This involves meeting with the POGP Journal editorial team, as well as organising and supporting the peer reviewers who kindly contribute to the journal. Amy also organises the volunteers who proof-read the journal prior to its publication.

Amy is a graduate of Cardiff University and is currently working as a specialist pelvic health physiotherapist in private practice, alongside studying for her Master's degree in Clinical Research at Kings College London. Amy is also a proud recipient of both the POGP Dame Josephine Barnes Award and the CSP Academically Accredited Courses Award 2024, to support her ongoing professional development in clinical academia.

Alongside her clinical role, Amy led a service evaluation looking at the breast health service that she currently contributes to, specifically evaluating physiotherapy care for the lactating breast, which was recently published in the autumn edition of the POGP Journal. 

Honorary Editors

Dr Kate Lough

ORCID number: 0000-0002-9168-7973


Dr Kate Lough has been a specialist pelvic health physiotherapist for over 30 years with experience across the clinical range including male pelvic health, sexual function and with particular expertise in pelvic organ prolapse. She completed her PhD in 2020: Pessary use for prolapse – making it woman-centred and evidence-based. Since then she returned to clinical work as an advanced practitioner in pelvic health with a remit into the Complex mesh Removal Centre for Scotland.

Dr Lough is Chair of the Pelvic, Obstetric and Gynaecological Physiotherapy (POGP) organisation, a registered charity since 2019 and a professional network of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP). Prior to this she has been involved with POGP since 2010 undertaking numerous roles on and off the Board of Trustees. These include writing and delivery of POGP courses related to the understanding and management of prolapse. Additional roles to this work have included representation on several research projects as a Steering Group member, and peer reviewer for the International Urogynecology Journal, and abstract reviewer for the CSP.

Publications to date include:

UK Clinical Guideline Vaginal Pessaries | POGP ( March 2021 due for review 2025 with subsequent  journal publication anticipated

Lough, K., Hagen, S., McClurg, D. and Pollock, A., 2018. Shared research priorities for pessary use in women with prolapse: results from a James Lind alliance priority setting partnership. BMJ open, 8(4), p.e021276.

Lough, K., The physiotherapist in a psychosexual consultation. Journal of Pelvic, Obstetric and Gynaecological Physiotherapy, Spring 2017, 120

Lough, K., Physiotherapy first for pelvic floor dysfunction. Urology News FEATURE SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2015| VOL 19 NO 6

Publications recently submitted include:

(In process) Initial development of a patient reported outcome measure to assess perinatal pelvic floor dysfunction: The Perinatal Pelvic Health Self-Assessment Questionnaire 2024  Authors: Anne Fee1, Alan Uren1, Nikki Cotterill2,1, Paul Abrams1, Hashim Hashim1, Charles Knowles3, Kate Lough4, Jen Pinkstone5, Karen Ward6    

(IN process) Research Priorities for Faecal Incontinence in Adults: A James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnership. Authors: Alexander O’Connor 1,2, Julie A Cornish 3, Marcus Drake 4, Dipesh H Vasant 2,5, Tara Willson 6, Kate Lough 7, Sam Alexandra-Rose 6,8, Douglas Hallett 6, Tatenda Marunda 9, Louise J Dunford 10,11, Jennie Grainger 12, Aziza Sesay 13, Anna Clements 6,14, Emma V Carrington 4,15,  Thomas Dudding 16.


Dr Gillian Campbell

ORCID number: 0000-0002-0358-1280


Gillian is a Clinical Academic Physiotherapist (specialising in pelvic health). She graduated with BVMS from the University of Glasgow in 1986, BSc in Physiotherapy in 1995 from University College London, was awarded a Post-graduate Diploma in Women's Health from the University of Bradford in 2002. She completed her PhD (‘An investigation into the strain in patellar tendons using ultrasound’) at the Institute of Biomechanics, University of Nottingham in 2011.

She is a previous Daphne Jackson Fellow, and currently holds an NIHR School of Primary Care Research Post-Doctoral Fellowship at the University of Nottingham. Her research interests are management of pelvic floor dysfunction in athletic women and barriers for women seeking help with pelvic floor symptoms. Her research experience includes quantitative and qualitative methodology. She continues to work clinically in an outpatient setting managing patients with sports injuries, musculoskeletal conditions and pelvic health symptoms.

She is a member of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy and is HCPC registered.

She is current Research Lead of the organisation of Pelvic Obstetric and Gynaecological Physiotherapy and developed the POGP Research Network. She was Vice-chair POGP (2021-2024) and Editor-in-chief of the Journal of POGP (2018 - 2022).


Shirley Bustard


Shirley is a clinical specialist pelvic health physiotherapist working in the NHS for Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation trust. She was NE representative for POGP for many years. She completed a MSc in evidenced based practice in 2011. This gave a great grounding in research methodology and statistics. She published her research study into physiotherapy treatment for PGP in pregnancy in the JPOGP. Following this she volunteered as research officer for POGP and she introduced the annual POGP Research prize. She also helped to develop research grants awarded to assist POGP members in conducting research.

She has been a long term Journal reviewer assisting in the rigorous selection of articles for the peer reviewed journal. For 3 years (2015-2018) Shirley was Editor-in-Chief of the POGP Journal taking articles from submission to publication alongside a professional editor. This involved chairing the journal committee and working together on all aspects of the journal to a tight publishing deadline. The journal started its own, as then, Twitter and reached out to link with more international journals.

She is delighted to have been awarded an honorary journal editorship and will use her experience alongside future journal teams to assist in new and innovative journal developments.


Amanda Savage


Amanda Savage is an advanced practice physiotherpist with over 30 years of experience in practice. She graduated with a Diploma of Physiotherapy (with Distinction) from Addenbrookes School of Physiotherapy in 1993. She specialise within the field of pelvic health in 2001 when she completed a Postgraduate certificate Women's Health at the University of Bradford. In 2006 she furthered her postgraduate qualifications when she completed a  Master of Studies, Community & Public Health via the University of Cambridge. She worked at St Georges Hospital London in her earlier career, before a 5 year period overseas (Groote Schuur, Cape Town), and returning to uptake a Clinical Specialist at Addenbrookes Hospital Cambridge. In 2008 she transitioned to until private practice where she still practices today. 

Amanda was the Editor-in-Chief of the POGP journal from 2012 - 2015.


Gill Brook


Gill Brook is a retired physiotherapist who specialised in women's health for 35 years. She is the immediate past president of the International Organization of Physiotherapists in Pelvic and Women’s Health, an official subgroup of World Physiotherapy. For many years Gill was an NHS clinician, honorary postgraduate lecturer for the University of Bradford, and a tutor for Pelvic Obstetric and Gynaecological Physiotherapy. From 2010-19 she supported the physiotherapy team at the Hamlin Addis Ababa Fistula Hospital, Ethiopia and she has a particular interest in the development of pelvic and women’s health physiotherapy services in countries where they are not yet established. Gill was the Editor-in-Chief of the POGP journal from 2009 - 2012.


Professor Doreen McClurg

ORCID number: 0000-0002-2872-1702


Professor Doreen McClurg worked as a Clinical Specialist Women’s Health Physiotherapist at Belfast City Hospital for many years and completed a doctoral thesis on the pelvic floor in people with multiple sclerosis in 2006, subsequently moving to a full-time research post at the Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professions Research Unit at Glasgow Caledonian University. Research interests included the conservative management of the neurological bladder and bowel. Interventions included pelvic floor muscle exercises, abdominal massage and transcutaneous tibial nerve stimulation. Professor McClurg
is a past Chair of the Association for Continence Advice and of the Pelvic, Obstetric and Gynaecological Physiotherapy Professional Network and was a Chair of the International Continence Society, Physiotherapy Committee. A personal Chair was awarded in August 2015 by Glasgow Caledonian University. She retired from the university in 2022 but continues to undertake some clinical, reviewing and advisory work. She was awarded a Fellowship of the CSP in 2023.

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