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The musculoskeletal contribution to the evolution of chronic lumbopelvic pain: 2. Sporting activities and chronic pelvic pain


Where there is no proven infection or obvious local pathology, the occurrence of chronic pelvic pain (CPP) syndrome may involve contributions from the musculoskeletal, neurological, urological, gynaecological and immune systems. Part 2 of this article discusses the general effect of aerobic activity on CPP and then specific groin injuries, and includes a classification of movement-impairment syndromes of the hip to aid assessment and rehabilitation. This is followed by a discussion of cycling and other sporting activities associated with CPP.

Keywords: chronic pelvic pain syndrome, movement, musculoskeletal pain.

Journal Details

Journal Title: ACPWH Journal 113 - Autumn 2013

Issue Date: 01 September 2013

Issue: 113