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Qualitative study exploring effective timing and methods for physiotherapy-led pelvic health education during the childbearing year


Physiotherapy-led pelvic health education (PPHE) may help to address some of the potentially adverse health outcomes that are associated with pregnancy and childbirth. However, there is wide variation in the provision of this education during the childbearing year, and limited evidence for when and how it may be effective. Five studies with different methodologies have previously investigated the effectiveness of PPHE during the childbearing year. However, no consensus can be found because of the variety of timings and methods that were investigated. Five women were purposively recruited to participate in semi-structured video interviews about their experience of PPHE during the childbearing year. These sessions were audiorecorded and then transcribed verbatim. The transcripts were analysed using thematic analysis. This revealed three themes with three emergent factors that were identified as influencing the effectiveness of PPHE: assimilation, timing and delivery of the message. It is hoped that these findings will: add to the evidence base in the field; help health professionals to understand the factors that may influence women’s engagement with education during the childbearing year; be considered in local service development plans; and direct further research.

Keywords: childbearing year, pelvic health education, qualitative study, thematic analysis.

Journal Details

Journal Title: POGP Journal Issue 130 - Spring 2022

Issue Date: 14 February 2022

Issue: 130

Pages: 84