Physiotherapy management of obstructive defecation
Author(s): E. Hoile -
Pages: 15-16
Obstructive defecation is a multifactorial condition that is characterized by difficulty in evacuating the bowels or an inability to do so. It is also associated with a feeling of incomplete evacuation, excessive straining and/or the performance of manual manoeuvres to promote defecation. The condition takes two forms, mechanical and functional obstruction, and these invariably coexist. Physiotherapy management of obstructive defecation targets sensory and motor coordination while also considering behaviours and lifestyle choices that are detrimental to an individual’s overall well-being and bowel health. This approach optimizes treatment outcomes, and ensures that an individualized, patient-focused approach is adopted.
Keywords: biofeedback, bowel retraining, defecation biomechanics, management, obstructive defecation.
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