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'Pucker Up' Campaign Draws to a Close - A Message from our POGP Chair

I wish to congratulate the public relations and social media team on their recent successful “Pucker Up” campaign. 



I wish to congratulate the public relations and social media team on their recent successful “Pucker Up” campaign promoting the role of the pelvic floor in sexual dysfunction for men and women.

The eye-catching posters were well received by members; twitter comments and photos showed POGP members promoting the message in their workplaces.  Our following on Twitter passed the 1,000 figure, a great achievement considering the infancy of our time on the social media stage, and for this we thank Rebecca Bennett for her hard work and time consuming tweets.  Thanks also goes to Amanda Savage for getting the CSP on board.  The message was taken up by the media team at Bedford Row, cementing our relationship with them.  Members of the CSP management team also re-tweeted the message supporting our promotion.

Projects such as this promote the work of the POGP members, there are nearly 100 more of us than this time last year and we remain one of the largest professional networks of the CSP.

If you have any suggestions for similar projects that you would like the Executive to consider, please drop me a line at Our next Exec meeting is on 6th March.  We look forward to hearing from you.


Chair of POGP


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