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Benefits of Membership

Becoming a member of the POGP brings far more benefits than you may expect! 


  • Professional Journal With POGP membership you'll receive the only professional Journal in the UK dedicated to research surrounding pelvic, obstetric and gynaecological physiotherapy. JPOGP is highly regarded internationally as a beacon for evidence-based practice, with regular additions from the pillars of our profession. You'll be kept up to date with current practice, POGP national conference, our national Good Practice Statements and the UK-wide network of hard-working volunteer area representatives. Members also have access to our exclusive Extended Online Content as well as our complete back catalogue.
  • Education and Research Grants There are up several different awards and bursaries on offer exclusively to members; some are up to £1000 in value and you can use the money for travel, research and development or training, so long as it promotes our much-loved profession. The annual research grant is up to £15,000. Solely for members you have direct access to apply directly for these easily through our online application forms.
  • Exclusive access to Good Practice Statements.  These are peer-developed, evidence-based guidelines tackling some of the most pertinent and difficult questions facing members in clinical practice. These statements will help guide your decision making and support your learning in this specialist field.   Latest Good Practice Statements cover the use of TENS, Supine Lying, Acupuncture, Maternity Belts and Vaginal Examination in pregnancy; giving advice about driving after surgery; and issues surrounding pelvic floor electrical stimulation. 
  • Social Media – Becoming a POGP member gives you access to our members only Facebook group ‘POGP Members Area’. With over 700 of our members already involved this group is a fantastic resource for members to share knowledge, ask clinical questions, up-to-the-minute information on POGP conference, job adverts and POGP media attention. It is also a fantastic space for the POGP executive trustees to share information quickly to its members and for members to ask questions directly to the trustees. Members are crossed checked against our database for approval prior to joining.
  • Development of peer reviewed workshops to meet the specific needs of members
  •  Fantastic discounts on workshop and conference fees
  • Professional academic courses (Graduates of these programmes are eligible for full membership of POGP – other methods available).
  • Professional representation at NICE, RCOG etc.
  • Professional advice, support and mentoring
  • Support to members carrying out Research
  • Local and Regional support structure including Study Days organised by the local Area Representative for POGP
  • Voting rights at AGM, held at our annual Conference. Postal votes are available.
  • Recognised Professional Network of the CSP
  • Branded resources including POGP booklets, loan of tablecloth and banners for events
  • Access to pelvic-health-related image repository
  • Blog page designed to advertise your own or view others blog/vlog/channels that may be of interest to pelvic, obstetric and gynaecological physiotherapy members 
  • Searchable directory of members for the public and members 
  • Be part of over 75 years of POGP history!


We would love to have you join us!  Do read our different membership categories and how to join pages. 

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Defining and promoting high standards of physiotherapy practice

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Introduction to Pelvic Health - an entry level course