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Anal (or bowel) incontinence
Unable to control wind, liquid or solid stools (poo) from the anus causing leakage.
Anal sphincters
Ring of muscle surrounding the anus which controls opening and closing of the anus.
Anorectal examination
An intimate internal examination with a finger by a health care professional to find information on the rectum and how the pelvic muscles work.
Anti dieurtic hormone (ADH)
A hormone that regulates and balances the amount of water in the body.
The opening at the end of the rectum where the stool comes out.
Exercise in water for pregnant women.
A single cell organism.
Where urine is stored until you go to the toilet to pass water/ have a pee.
Bladder pain syndrome
Pain in the bladder not caused by infection and does not respond to antibiotics.
The intestines where nutrients and water are absorbed and stool (poo) is formed.
Bowel Urgency
A sudden and uncontrollable urge to open your bowels/poo, often resulting in leakage of poo.
A chemical found naturally in some foods and drinks but can also be produced artificially . Acts as a stimulant and a diuretic.
Carpel tunnel syndrome
pain, pins and needles or numbness in wrist and hand.
A protein found in skin, ligaments, bones and muscles that help to provide strength.
Feeling that you are not passing stools (poo) as often as normal; you have to strain more than usual; you are unable to completely empty your bowels or that stools (poo) are unusually hard.
Tighten or squeeze.
The area around your pelvis, lower back and abdomen or tummy.
De Quervains
Pain in base of thumb.
Muscle in wall of bladder.
Liquid stool (poo).
Diastasis rectus abdominis
Stretching of the central line (linea alba) of the abdominal (tummy) muscles.
Is a specialist health professional who can assess, diagnose and treat dietary and nutritional problems.
Difficulty emptying well
Poor success in emptying stool, which results in no satisfaction of complete emptying.
Medicines or dinks that increase the amount you wee.
Difficult or painful sex.
Pain passing wee.
Cut of the perineum (area between the anus and vulva) to aid delivery of a baby.
Erectile Dysfunction
Unable either to get and or keep an erection of the penis to have sex.
External Anal Sphincter
The outer muscle ring of the anus.
Faecal incontinence
Unable to control liquid or solid stools (poo) from the anus causing leakage.
Faecal Urgency
Rushing to the toilet to pass stool (poo).
Flatus incontinence
leakage of wind from the anus.
Number of times you pee or poo.
Doctor who specialises in the digestive system and its disorders.
The sexual or reproductive organs located on the outside of the body.
Genitourinary syndrome of the menopause (GSM)
A group of symptoms affecting the bladder and vagina due to drop in oestrogen at the menopause.
Gut microbes
Microorganisms that live in a person’s digestive system that are key to health.
Gut microbiome
The community made up of trillions of microorganisms that live in the gut.
A doctor who specialises in female fertility and reproductive system – uterus, period problems, ovary symptoms.
Haemorrhoids (Piles)
Swellings of the blood vessels within the anus.
Health care professional
A person who provides health care.
Chemical produced by the body that controls how cells and organs do their work.
Removal of part or the entire uterus:
  • Total abdominal (TAH) – removal of the whole of the uterus through an abdominal cut.
  • Vaginal – removal of the uterus vaginally for uterine prolapse.
Incomplete bladder empty
A feeling of not fully emptying the bladder of pee or leakage following finishing using the toilet.
Leakage of urine (pee), wind or stool (poo) when it was not intended.
Internal Anal Sphincter
The inner muscle ring of the anus.
Interstitial cystitis
Chronic inflammation of the bladder causing bladder frequency, urgency and pain.
Intra-abdominal pressure
An increase in the pressure in the tummy which causes strain downwards.
Medicine to help ease constipation – to soften poo.
accidental loss of pee or poo.
Pain in the low back and or pelvis.
Lumbosacral pain
Pain in the low back and or pelvis.
When a woman stops having periods due to hormonal changes. Average age for the menopause is 51 years.
Menopause transition
Period in a woman’s life before the menopause , another term for perimenopause.
Loss of a pregnancy during the first 23 weeks of development.
Mixed urinary incontinence
Leakage of urine associated with urgency and also with exercise, sneezing or coughing.
Involves the muscles, joints and tendons.
Interruption of sleep because of the need to pass urine (pee).
Nocturnal enuresis
Loss of urine (pee) occurring during sleep.
OASIS (Obstetric anal sphincter injury symptoms)
Injury to the muscles of the anal sphincter.
Doctor who specialises in pregnancy.
A female sex hormone produced mainly by the ovaries .Topical/vaginal oestrogen  a cream containing oestrogen applied directly in vagina.
 (plural) - Female reproductive organs that produce eggs.
Overactive bladder
Urgency, with or without leakage.
Overflow incontinence
Incontinence associated with over-stretching of the bladder.
Pelvic floor muscle exercises
Exercises to help the pelvic floor muscles work effectively and prevent bladder and bowel problems such as leakage.
Pelvic floor muscles
Muscles at the bottom of the pelvis which support your abdominal organs (bladder, uterus, rectum).
Period in a woman’s life before the menopause.
The area of skin between the vagina and anus or scrotum and anus.
Persistent pelvic pain
Pain in the pelvis lasting more than three months.
Pilates is a form of exercise that focuses on balance, posture, strength and flexibility. It's suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels. (taken from NHS website)
POGP (Pelvic, Obstetric and Gynaecology Physiotherapists)
Physiotherapists who are specialist in the care of women with obstetrics and gynaecology problems and people with pelvic problems.
Post micturition dribble
Leakage of urine soon after using the toilet.
Pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain/pelvic girdle pain
Discomfort and stiffness of the pelvic joints that starts in pregnancy.
Prolapse (Pelvic organ)
The downward movement of one or more walls of the vagina or top of the vagina, causing a bulge or heavy feeling at the opening of the vagina.
Male gland that surrounds the tube which carries pee from the bladder to the outside.
Rectum (back passage)
Where stool (poo) is stored just before you visit the toilet.
Poo, faeces or bowel movement.
Stress urinary incontinence
Leakage on effort; physical exertion or sneezing or coughing.
Symphysis pubis dysfunction
Pain in the pubic joint of the pelvis now known as pregnancy related pelvic pain.
Chest and upper back.
Part of pregnancy split into three. 1st- up to 14 weeks; 2nd 14 to 28 weeks; 28 weeks until delivery.
The tube that carries urine from the bladder out of the body.
Urge incontinence
ls strong desire to pass urine followed by leakage.
A strong desire to pass urine (pee).
Urinary incontinence
Leakage of urine.
Urinary tract
This the kidneys, ureters (tubes from kidneys to bladder), bladder, urethra.
Urinary tract infection (UTI)
Infection in the urinary system (e.g. bladder, kidneys).
A doctor who specialises in the bladder and uterine area.
Uterus (womb)
The organ where a baby develops in pregnancy.
A tube leading from the vulva to the womb.
Vaginal examination
An intimate internal examination using a finger by a health care professional to find information on the vagina and how the pelvic muscles work.
Vaginal pessary
A plastic or silicone device fitted into the vagina to support its walls or the womb.
Voiding dysfunction
Difficulty with passing urine (pee) may be difficult to start; poor flow or spraying of urine.
The external part of a woman’s sexual organs.
Yoga is an ancient form of exercise that focuses on strength, flexibility and breathing to boost physical and mental wellbeing. (taken from NHS website)
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