Name of applicant required
Job title of applicant required
Contact email required
Title and description of project required
Has a POGP trustee and/or member been involved? If so, please give name(s) and role(s) within the project. (Please also download a Declaration of Interest Form for relevant contributors to complete – see above) required
Please name the author of the project and other contributing members required
Does this application broadly meet the objectives and values of POGP specified in its charitable status (Go to: Please provide details of how these are met required
Is the project evidence-based? Please provide details with relevant studies where applicable required
Is there benefit for the public and/or health service users? If so, please give details required
Is there benefit to the wider pelvic health community? If so, please give details. required
Is there an associated website? (add link) required
Will POGP website links be included? required
Are any other organisations involved in the development, endorsement or promotion of the project? If so, please provide details required
Does this project align with NHS policy including National Guidelines? Please identify the relevant guideline and demonstrate the connection required
Please give details of any current or predicted corporate or commercial sponsorship during the development or after the launch of your project required
What is the cost implication for POGP? required
Will comments be collected following the completion of this project, if applicable? required
For projects still in development – is there a clear and reasonable timescale for comments/feedback, if applicable? Please give details required
If this project is a publication, please provide the review date if not given elsewhere in this application required
When will this project be completed (or please give a proposed timescale, if applicable)? required
For projects which are completed – is there an identified review process or date? Please provide details required
If this project is for healthcare service users – does it conform to recommendations for accessibility and equality, diversity and inclusion? Please explain how required
Are you using/did you use PPIE in the development process? Please provide details, if applicable required
Where will this project be available and how it will be disseminated? required
Please provide and any useful additional information pertaining to your endorsement application required