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Medical Professionals

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For Professionals

Career Development


Career Development

At POGP we want to help medical students and professionals to develop their careers as much as possible.

  • Student Advice: POGP want to help students in their journey of becoming Pelvic, Obstetric and Gynaecological Physiotherapists.
  • Career Progression:  POGP want to encourage and nurture career and learning progression and potential.
  • Bursaries & Awards: A range of funding opportunities available to women's and men's health physiotherapists.
  • Courses
  • Academic Courses: POGP-accredited academic courses.


We offer medical professionals a range of Pelvic, Obstetric and Gynaecological Physiotherapy resources.

  • POGP Booklets: The Pelvic, Obstetric and Gynaecological booklets are available to view and download FREE OF CHARGE.
  • Product Reviews: Our POGP Journal often includes product and book reviews. Several year history of these can be found online below by clicking on the content title and downloading the article review.
  • Good Practice Statements: Good practice advice on a range of pelvic health topics
  • Research: Research is vital to increasing our knowledge base. It can provide answers to questions ranging from effectiveness of treatments to how our patients feel.

Full List of Resources