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Why Choose a POGP Registered Physiotherapist?

Who are pelvic, obstetric & gynaecological physiotherapists?

Physiotherapy is a science-based healthcare profession that promotes recovery in illness, injury or disability. It aims to restore movement and functional ability to the person's full potential. Physiotherapy is an independent profession where practitioners make their own treatment decisions and clinical judgements.

Pelvic, Obstetric & Gynaecological Physiotherapy is a membership organisation and professional network of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy.  Our membership is made up of Full and Affiliate members.

Full members have either completed a recognised course with examination; or had a portfolio or evidence of published works relevant to the specialty of pelvic health and judged by the association to be of an acceptable standard.

Affiliate members are physiotherapists with an interest in the field of pelvic, obstetric and gynaecological physiotherapy.

All members are Chartered Physiotherapists if working in the UK, or members of their own governing body if overseas members.

Why should I choose a POGP member?

The specialty of pelvic health physiotherapy is not widely taught in undergraduate training programmes and so the majority of physiotherapists in the UK do not have an understanding of the unique problems that can occur to the pelvic structures. 

All members have access to training programmes, the peer-reviewed bi-annual health journal and an on-line peer community to educate, support and promote the specialist physiotherapist.

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Introduction to Pelvic Health - an entry level course