Pelvic Organ Prolapse - A physiotherapy guide for women
Publication date: 14 Nov 2023
Author: POGP
This updated information will help you understand what a prolapse is, what the causes may be and what you might be able to do to improve the symptoms you are experiencing.
Prolapse is very common affecting about 1 in 3 women who have had children.
Many women do not seek help until their symptoms become very bothersome.
This booklet has information which may help you prevent your prolapse from getting worse, and reduce the bother from your symptoms.
Getting Physiotherapy help
If you have any difficulty with the exercises in this booklet, or find that your symptoms are not improving, ask to be referred, or if available, refer yourself to a physiotherapist with experience in treating women with pelvic floor muscle problems.
If your ability to follow the advice in this booklet is affected by any health problem, contact your local specialist physiotherapist who will be able to help with appropriate alternatives.
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