Pelvic Health and Wellbeing during Pregnancy and After Birth Videos
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The London Maternity Clinical Network has collaborated with Imperial College Healthcare Trust, North West London Local Maternity and Neonatal System (LMNS), South West London LMNS, South East London LMNS, LMNS service-user representatives, Maternity Voices Partnership, and other NHS professionals to create a series of videos about the changes the body undergoes before, during, and after birth. From pelvic floor health and bladder care, to posture and returning to exercise, these videos have been developed by NHS Physiotherapists and Healthcare professionals and will provide information and useful advice about supporting your body’s journey through pregnancy and beyond.
These videos will enable women to:
- Understand and manage physiological changes that occur in pregnancy
- Optimise pelvic floor health
- Understand how to exercise safely in pregnancy and after birth
- Be knowledgeable about self care in the postnatal period
- Know when to seek medical advice and referral

Pelvic health and wellbeing during pregnancy and after birth
POGP are hosting these videos in support of the educational value and relevance of the content, this does not imply direct involvement in its development.
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