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Each conference year, POGP invites those currently undertaking research projects to submit an abstract into the research poster competition.

The 2025 conference is taking place in Edinburgh on 10–11 October. The authors of the four best abstracts will be invited to do an oral presentation of their research at the POGP Conference. Additionally, the overall winner of the Research Prize will receive a £100 cash award.

POGP will also offer the opportunity to present further selected abstracts in poster format at the conference. This is an excellent opportunity to showcase your work and meet other researchers in our field.

Application process
  1. Please read carefully the Abstract Review Criteria and the Application Guidelines documents (see below) before completing and submitting your abstract. These documents will guide you on the style and content that is required for your submission.
  2. Complete an application form.
  3. Complete your abstract. (You may use the abstract template document provided or create your own document, adhering to the prescribed formatting instructions.)
  4. Email both your application form and abstract to by the deadline date.

Abstract submission deadline: 27 June 2025

Good luck!

If you have any queries, please contact

Application and guidance documents

Abstract Review Criteria

Application Guidelines

Application Form for Research Poster Competition

Abstract Template


Last updated 06/03/2025