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Research Network Meeting

'Public, Patient, Involvement and Engagement in Research'

The POGP Research Network is delighted to invite POGP members to its next meeting on Wednesday 10 July 12.30-13.30 GMT, which will take place on Zoom.


Meeting overview

The theme of the meeting will be 'Public, Patient, Involvement and Engagement in Research'; chair of the group, Gillian Campbell, will be joined by Professor Alex Todhunter-Brown who will share her expertise on this important topic. The meeting will conclude with a discussion about how PPIE relates to attendees' own research.


Guest speaker info

Professor Todhunter-Brown joined the Glasgow Caledonian University in 2008, having spent the previous 10 years in a role promoting evidence-based practice to allied health professionals working in stroke rehabilitation. Her role in the Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professions Research Unit (NMAHP RU) has focused on the evaluation and the synthesis of evidence relating to the effectiveness of complex interventions, and she has over 100 peer-reviewed publications including several Cochrane systematic reviews.  She has been an innovator in the involvement of the public in systematic reviews, as well as leading and contributing to a number of research prioritisation projects.


Why not join the network?

This meeting is open to all members, you don't have to be a member of the research network already; however, if you would like to hear about other research meetings and opportunities why not join? 



To register for the meeting, please click here. On the registration page you will be asked if you would be interested to join the network, which is optional.

Once your registration request has been reviewed and approved, you will receive your joining link via the Zoom platform. Please allow two working days for your registration to be approved. 


We hope those interested can join the meeting.


For any queries, please contact

Best wishes,


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