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Notice of Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2024

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of POGP is being held on Friday 27 September 2024, 12:00. We are looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible. 

Following the AGM, there will be a panel discussion on perinatal pelvic health services (PPHS) from 12:30 till 13:30.

Registration Open

Please click the below button to register your attendance for the AGM and the PPHS discussion:

Register for AGM 

The AGM is a member-only event. Once you have submitted your registration request, please allow up to 48 hours for it to be manually approved. Once approved, you will receive a confirmation email from the Zoom platform with your joining link. 


The AGM is your opportunity to be involved in the direction POGP takes. We have made some minor changes to the constitution that require formal approval by the membership; as an association CIO, POGP would welcome endorsement of these changes. 

If you are unable to attend the meeting, we request that you register to vote on the changes proposed.  Please find links to proxy and postal voting forms at the bottom of this page.

Deadline for submission of postal (by email) and proxy voting forms: 17:00 Thursday 26 September 2024.

Please also find below links to the Chair and Treasurer reports, accounts and agenda for this year's  AGM, in addition to last year’s AGM minutes. 


You are invited to submit questions concerning the reports ahead of the AGM to

Deadline for submission of questions: 17:00 on Wednesday 25 September 2024, 

Board of Trustees

The current board members are listed below and will be available at the AGM. 

  • Chair – Dr  Kate Lough (staying on for organisational continuity)
  • Vice Chair – Dr Gillian Campbell (Term ending)  
  • Honorary Secretary – Helen Shepherd 
  • Honorary Treasurer – Kiransha Velingkar (since May 2024)
  • Journal committee chair – Grainne Donnelly 
  • Education committee chair – Jane Dixon 
  • Research officer – vacant 
  • Area representative coordinator – Alexandra Stephenson 
  • National conference committee chair – Debbie Plowman
  • Public relations officer – Danielle Alebon 
  • Ordinary trustee – Debbie Dillon (resigning)
  • Ordinary trustee – Vacant (no longer available due to board member numbers)
  • Invited board members – Sally Reffold and William Taylor (board representative members)

POGP has received one application to become a Trustee.

POGP has no further Board vacancies to fill. We have reinstated the research officer role.

Should we receive any nominations for election prior to the  AGM we will be sure to notify you in advance. 

Best wishes,

Dr  Kate Lough

Chair POGP 


Timings for AGM and PPHS panel discussion

AGM and PPHS Event Schedule

Key documents

Important documents to read and return as required before the AGM:

AGM Agenda 2024

Minutes of the AGM 2023

POGP Constitution (current)

Proposed changes to the constitution

Statements in support for re-election of current trustees

Postal voting form

Proxy voting form

(Voting forms will download for you to complete and email back to

Aannual, chair and treasurer reports, and financial accounts, plus other documents for information: 

Chair report

Treasurer report

Annual report and accounts 2022–2023

Lucia Berry's application to become a trustee

Kiransha Velingkar's trustee statement

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POGP Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2024 and PPHS Discussion