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Chairmans March blog

POGP Blog March 2016                                                          

Dear all, I hope you are well and looking forward to the Spring. I thought this was a good time to send out a blog to keep you informed about some of the things POGP have been doing since conference and some contact changes especially around our workshops.

Teresa Cook decided to stop her role as workshop administrator and gave us 3 months’ notice so we could appoint a replacement. We have appointed Karen Armitage who is an experienced administrator – the contact email if you want to find out about upcoming workshops or book a place etc. is still (  Teresa will be a hard act to follow not least because of her many contacts and we thank her for her commitment to POGP and her continued tutor roles. Camilla Pleydell-Bouverie our workshop co-ordinator is also about to go off on maternity leave and Ruth Hawkes has agreed to take on this role in a temporary capacity with help from Helen Forth. Although this role is primarily and internal one and focusses on the development of new workshops and continuing to maintain the high standards of our current workshops, it is an important and busy role. We thank Camilla and wish her all the best.

The Continence Sub-committee (CSC) has met on several occasions with Debbie Gordon as chair. In October we had a meeting of all our sub-committees and the Executive to discuss our structure and the roles of the sub-committees and area representatives. Following this meeting and discussions among the CSC it was decided that they should become part of the Education sub-committee and have focussed roles within this or other sub-committees. For example Dr Kay Crotty has agreed to be our Research Officer, and Lynda Morgan Jones has joined the Ed Sub. This means that the CSC does not now exist, however the CSC bursary and the Jo Laycock Continence Research Bursary will continue.  During this year and moving forward in 2017 one of our aims is to offer more support to the Area Representatives especially around membership and running local study days/evening events. We hope this will go some way to replace the study days supported by CPPC/CSC.

Conference 2016 – I hope you are aware that this year’s conference will be different as we are meeting just before the 4th European Congress of the European Region of the World Confederation of Physical Therapy on the 10th November in Liverpool. There is a great line up of speakers including Kari Bo. Please go to for booking details.


Due to natural rotation we will have several vacancies within the Executive following our AGM in November2016. This will probably include Treasurer, Education sub-committee chair, Secretary, NICE co-ordinator, Area representatives’ co-ordinator, and Publicity Officer. If you would be interested in being part of the Executive or indeed any of our sub-committees please do get in touch. Although we do expect every member of the Executive or sub-committees to undertake tasks, we allow time to become familiar with the workings of the committee and find their particular niche. Out next Executive meeting will be held in London on the 18th June and anyone who may be interested in knowing more about what we do – travel and if required accommodation will be paid for. Please contact for further information.

Many thanks for your continued support.


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