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Annual General Meeting 1st October 2021

                                                                                                  3rd Septemer 2021

Dear POGP Members,


Re: Notice of Annual General Meeting of POGP 

 1st October 2021 via virtual link


The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of POGP is being held online on the 1st October 2021 at the POGP Virtual Conference. We are looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible, both at Conference and the AGM.


There are a number of vacancies available for members who are keen to make a difference to both physiotherapists working in the field of POGP and of course to the women and men across our country who we, as POGP physiotherapists, serve.


Please consider these roles and do not hesitate to approach any of our current committee members regarding these. We look forward to hearing from you.


Chair - Dr Kate Lough

Vice Chair - Katie Mann (Trustee retiring)

Honorary Secretary - Alexandra Frankham (Trustee retiring)

Honorary Treasurer - Miti Rach

Journal Editor - Dr Gillian Campbell

Education sub-committee chair - Ruth Hawkes

Research Officer - Shirley Bustard (Trustee retiring)

Area representative coordinator - Rachel Viva

Conference organising committee chair - Debbie Plowman

Public relations officer / Communications officer - Lucia Berry 

Ordinary trustee - post unfilled

Ordinary trustee - post unfilled


If you are interested in becoming involved then please approach any of our current committee members or complete thePOGP committee application form

More information can be found on the who are we page and POGP constitution

The annual report and accountancy report will be posted ahead of the AGM along with the details of how to attend the live online meeting.


Below this email, and in the following links, you will find the Agenda for the AGM, Proxy Postal and Postal (email) forms, and the minutes of the AGM 2020.

The links are as follows:

AGM agenda

AGM minutes 2020

Potal voting form

Proxy voting


Any questions or feedback is gratefully received and can be directed to me, Dr Kate Lough, or to


Kind regards,

Dr Kate Lough

Chair of POGP  



Annual General Meeting of Pelvic, Obstetric & Gynaecological Physiotherapy

Friday 1st October 2021

Virtual meeting on Zoom



  1. Apologies for absence


  1. Minutes of 2020 Virtual AGM


  1. Adoption of Annual report


  1. Treasurer’s Report and adoption of annual accounts


  1. Appointment of a financially qualified person


  1. Agreement of annual membership subscriptions to remain unchanged in 2020


  1. Chairman’s address


  1. Election to board of trustee positions


  1. Questions  


  1. Date and venue of 2022 AGM to be confirmed





At the Annual General Meeting of the CIO to be held on 01/10/2021 and any adjournment thereof

I ………………………………………………………………………….  

of (address) ……………………………………………………………………….

a member of the CIO hereby appoint:

Name (Full Member – delete one as necessary ): Kate Lough          Katie Mann   

as my proxy to vote for me on my behalf on the following resolutions as I have indicated by marking the appropriate box with an X below.  If no indication is given, my proxy will vote or abstain from voting at his or her discretion and I authorise my proxy to vote (or abstain from voting) as he or she thinks fit in relation to any other matter which is put before the meeting.





To adopt the annual report




To adopt the annual accounts and treasurer’s report




To accept the applications as new trustees to the board of the CIO





Signed: ………………………………………………


Notes to the proxy form:

  1. As a member of the CIO you are entitled to appoint a proxy to exercise all or any of your rights to attend, speak and vote at a General Meeting of the CIO. You can only appoint a proxy using the procedures set out in these notes.
  2. Your proxy must be a Full Member of the POGP.
  3. Where you appoint a proxy, you are responsible for ensuring that they attend the meeting and are aware of your voting intentions.
  4. To appoint a proxy using the proxy form, the form must be:
  • completed and signed;
  • sent or delivered to the CIO by email to: and
  1. received by the CIO no later than 5pm on 30th September 2021
  2. To change your proxy instructions simply submit a new proxy appointment using the method set out above. Note that the cut-off time for receipt of proxy appointments (see above) also applies  in relation to amended instructions; any amended proxy appointment received after the relevant cut-off time will be disregarded.
  3. In order to revoke a proxy instruction you will need to inform the CIO by sending a signed notice clearly stating your intention to revoke your proxy appointment by email to
  4. If you attempt to revoke your proxy appointment but the revocation is received after the time specified then, your proxy appointment will remain valid.





2021 Annual General Meeting

1st October 2021, Virtual Meeting

Postal Voting

In accordance with the membership acceptance of postal voting, members of the POGP with voting rights unable to attend the annual general meeting may vote by postal vote using this form.

You may only vote once so if a postal vote is received you will not be able to vote on-line or by proxy at the Annual General Meeting.

Name ______________________________________________________________*

POGP Number ________________________________________________________*

The following votes are to be proposed in accordance with the mailings you should have received by email.  They are also available on the website

Voting papers must be received at by 5pm on 30th September 2021


In Favour


Adoption of Annual Report




Adoption of Annual Accounts  




Acceptance of new trustees






Annual General Meeting of Pelvic, Obstetric & Gynaecological Physiotherapy

Friday 9th October 2020

Virtual meeting on Zoom

  1. Apologies:

1 apology for absence were received: Clare Jones.

  1. Minutes of AGM 2018:

The Minutes of the 2018 AGM were accepted and signed by the Chair. There were no minutes from 2019 as there was no AGM held due to new charitable status. There were no matters arising Correspondence: There was no correspondence received.

  1. Adoption of Annual Report: 

The motion to adopt the report was proposed by Katie Mann, seconded by Shirley Bustard and voted unanimously in favour by the Zoom congregation as well as through 9 postal votes and 18 proxy votes.

  1. Treasure’s Report:

Jane Newman gave the annual report explaining that due to delays as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic that full accounts for 2019/20 are not available and as such draft accounts have been presented. The submitted 2018/19 accounts show a loss however the 2019/20 draft accounts show that losses have been corrected due to greater efficiencies and demonstrate a slight profit. Jane also explained that the new accountants have proved to be very helpful in providing some of these efficiencies. Due to the healthy bank balance the Executive /Trustees took up the members suggestion for a new website which will benefit all and has come at a cost in order of £50-£55k and which has great potential for cost savings as well as member benefits. Jane thanked the membership, Trustees and Chair for their support and is pleased to hand over the position to the next treasurer.

The proposal to adopt the report was made by Jane Newman, seconded by Rachel Burnett and a unanimous vote to accept was gained from the present membership.

  1. Appointment of accountant: 

The accountant Shaw Gibbs was proposed to remain the accountant for this year, proposed by Jane Newman, seconded by Alexandra Frankham and unanimously voted to accept by the membership.

  1. Annual membership fee:

Alexandra Frankham, Secretary, proposed to the membership that membership fees remain the same subscription rate of£67 for the next year. This proposal was unanimously accepted by the membership.

  1. The Chair’s address: 

Katie Mann gave the address presenting her published and circulated report iterating the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic to POGP. She thanked the Trustees and POGP sub committees for their hard work, all done voluntarily. Katie thanked the team that had worked with her over the years and advised the membership that the new Chair would be chosen from within the Trustees following a recognised process within the constitution, and their name will be announced after the AGM.

  1. Election to the board of trustees:

As this is the first AGM of the POGP in its new status as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation, constitutionally, all previous Trustees must retire and those willing and eligible are immediately reinstated as Trustees. The present Trustees of the CIO are:

  1. Katie Mann
  2. Joanne Fordyce
  3. Ruth Hawkes
  4. Emma Jardine
  5. Shirley Bustard
  6. Rachel Burnett
  7. Jane Elizabeth Paule Newman
  8. Lucia Berry
  9. Gillian Campbell
  10. Alexandra Frankham
  11. Kate Lough
  12. Debbie Plowman


Retiring from office are: Joanne Fordyce and Jane Newman.

We received one nomination fro the vacancy of Trustee; Miti Rach. Alexandra Frankham proposed that all of the retiring Trustees, with the exception of Joanne Fordyce and Jane Newman are reinstated as Trustees and that Miti Rach is elected to the board and this was seconded by Katie Mann and proposed to the members, who unanimously accepted in favour.


  1. Questions:

There were no further questions asked of the Trustees or Chair.

  1. The next AGM will be held at the annual conference in October 2021 in York or alternative arrangements will be made if the conference does not go ahead.

The meeting was concluded.


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