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Support #DryByChristmas from the 24th September 2021

#DryByChristmas is up and running again this year from 24th September. @GussieGrips, run by POGP member Elaine Miller, will encourage women to stick to a pelvic floor exercises programme 3 x a day for 3 months by posting social media content across the platforms. The target is those women who may not be seeking help for their problem but any woman might benefit from the programme of social media posts. As an award winning comedian she will look at what type of content works best to further develop her research in the use of humour as a health promotion tool. The content will be a mixture: frank, funny and factual - aiming to educate, inform and support.  


To get involved: 

  • Follow the hashtag #DryByChristmas 
  • Like, share and retweet 
  • Add to the conversations. 
  • POGP members - Ensure your find a physio contact details are up to date log in and update details

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