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POGP short course tutor vacancies

POGP are expanding their short course tutor pool to meet demand and develop new face to face and online resources for pelvic health physiotherapists.

  • Are you a POGP member, looking for an exciting new challenge?
  • Do you have any experience in teaching or lecturing?
  • Would you like to develop these skills further with good remuneration?

The applicants need to be enthusiastic, team players and have experience in using PowerPoint as well as being able to demonstrate up to date and evidence based knowledge.

We need new tutors for the following courses:

  • Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP)– advancing your practice
  • Lower bowel dysfunction (LBD) – an entry level course
  • Female urinary dysfunction (FUD) – an entry level course

Closing date for applications is 31st December 2021 for the POP, LBD and FUD short courses and further information from

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