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What is incontinence and how is it treated?

IUGA, 13th March 14.00 UTC

IUGA International Symposium, Birth & Beyond: Management, Assessment, and Prevention of Pelvic Floor Dysfunction, which will take place virtually March 12-13, 2022.

The International Symposium will conclude on Sunday, March 13 with the IUGA Public Forum, What Is Incontinence and How Is It Treated? 

This session is FREE and open to members of the public with a goal of reaching women and caregivers who have questions and are seeking more information about female urinary incontinence. The Public Forum is presented by a multidisciplinary panel and will mirror the patient journey from identification of a problem, through the phases of seeking help, getting a diagnosis, and getting treatment options, including review of available medications, conservative therapies, and surgical treatments. The session will end with a Q&A session

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