Mrs Rebecca Colledge
Affiliate Member
Region: South East (East Sussex, Kent, Surrey, West Sussex)
Specialities: Urogynaecology, Perinatal care, Musculo Skeletal Dysfunction, Continence, Pelvic Pain
Personal Statement
Rebecca is a Pelvic Health (Women’s) & Musculo-skeletal physiotherapist. She supports women though all phases of their life, be that ante/postnatally, during perimenopause, menopause and beyond, helping them with issues such as stress & urge incontinence, prolapse, pelvic girdle pain, diastasis, c-section and other abdominal scar therapy, spinal & joint pain. She aims to support people to be active, by enabling them to carry on with/return to doing their normal daily activities, or to start, continue or return to the exercise or sport that they love or aspire to.