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POGP Poster & Infographics Competition 2020

We are delighted to invite POGP and other Physiotherapists to submit a digital poster of original work along with a 300 word (not counting references) abstract for the POGP 2020 Poster competition.

Template 2020


Poster Competition

The submission should be of relevance to the POGP clinical area and the categories are:

  • Original research 
  • Service development/ innovation

***********  New for 2020  ***********

We are delighted to announce the first POGP infographics competition. This may be used as a format to display:

  • research
  • a topic/subject.

The highest scoring submission of poster plus abstract will win the 2020 POGP Poster competition and will receive prize money of £50 and a certificate.

There is a separate prize for the best infographics, also with a prize of £50 and a certificate. 

All posters/infographics and abstracts which meet the publication standard will be offered publication in the POGP Journal, aiming for Spring 2021 publication. This will include publication of both the poster/infographics and abstract, and will require an abstract to meet publication guidelines.  Please read the abstract guidelines document.

Key Dates:

  • Open for submissions: 1st June 2020
  • Closing date: 31st July 2020*
  • Decisions notification by: 31st August 2020

*Entries will not be accepted after the closing date.

Both posters, infographics and abstracts will be judged using a scoring system by members of POGP subcommittees. Please read Dr Kay Crotty’s article titled ‘Guidelines for preparing a poster for presentation at the POGP Annual Conference.’ Journal of Pelvic, Obstetric and Gynaecological Physiotherapy, Autumn 2018, 123, 47–49

Please also read the guidelines for publication in the POGP Journal, which will assist in meeting publication standards. These are in each journal and also at

The requirements of the digital poster/infographics are:  

  • Orientation: portrait (i.e. vertical);
  • size: 762 × 1016 mm (width × length);
  • dots per inch/pixels per inch: 300; and
  • font size: (main title) 36; (subheadings) 28;
  • (text) 24; and (bullet points) 28 (maximum).

Please note a digital version of the poster/infographics is required not a physical poster.

A pdf of the poster/infographics plus the 300 word abstract written in the submission template can be sent to . Please DO NOT include your personal details in the submission template but include these in the registration form which must also be sent.

We look forward to receiving your submissions to this exciting competition to showcase new research, service development and innovation. Please complete the templates carefully as the 300 word limit, (not including references) will be strictly adhered to and we can only judge on what you send us, so take your time and carefully compose.

********** The competition is NOW OPEN **********.

Registration forms and submission templates can be found on the POGP website.

Shirley Bustard

POGP Research Officer

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