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News Archive—May 2020

POGP Poster & Infographics Competition 2020

We are delighted to invite POGP and other Physiotherapists to submit a digital poster of original work along with a 300 word (not counting references) abstract for the POGP 2020 Poster competition. Template 2020   Poster Competition The... Read more

31 May 2020

ICS 2020

ICS 2020 50th International Continence Society Annual Meeting  18-21 November 2020 | Las Vegas, USA    Following the latest developments in the COVID-19 outbreak, the ICS 2020 annual meeting has been moved to 18-21... Read more

24 May 2020

POGP conference 2020 cancelled

There has been some confusion with the message that you will have received from Fitwise, we are not hosting an e-conferencethis year and will be announcing the 2021 conference in due course Read more

20 May 2020

Post Covid Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

The most common symptom of coronavirus infection is a continuous cough which can last for several weeks after the initial infection.  Coughing is known to put pressure on the pelvic floor muscles and increase the risk of developing stress urinary... Read more

13 May 2020

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