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Notice of Annual General Meeting of POGP

11.35 on 4 November 2022

The Annual General Meeting of POGP is being held online on the 4th November2022 at the POGP Study Day. We are looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible, both at Conference and the AGM.

If you are not attending the study day and would like to attend the AGM LIVE then please register for the study day and join us at the AGM at 11.35am

If you are attending the study day, then you will automatically have access to the LIVE AGM during the day.

Register for the study day here 

If you are unable to attend on-line but wish to vote to adopt / reject the proposals, you will need to register for a proxy or postal vote. Please find links to proxy and postal voting forms below.

Please find below links to the Chair and Treasurer reports, accounts and agenda for this year's AGM, in addition to last year’s AGM minutes.

There will be time allocated during the AGM to answer any questions regarding the accounts and we welcome these. Please also do not hesitate to email

You are invited to submit questions concerning the reports ahead of a vote to adopt the reports. Questions can be sent in, prior to 5pm on the 2nd  of November 2022, to

The trustees propose a change in the wording and eligibility of membership categories. We are seeking membership consultation on these changes prior to the AGM.

Please find the link below to the proposed rewording.

As a reminder there are several Trustee and subcommittee vacancies available for members who are keen to make a difference to both physiotherapists working in the field of POGP and of course to the women and men across our country who we, as POGP physiotherapists, serve.

Please consider these roles and do not hesitate to approach any of our current committee members regarding these or by emailing us at 

or complete the POGP committee application form.

More information can be found on the who are we page and POGP constitution

Should we receive any nominations for election prior to the AGM we will be sure to notify you in advance.

New trustee: Helen Shepherd


Chair - Dr Kate Lough

Vice Chair – Dr Gillian Campbell (Trustee retiring) 

Honorary Secretary - Elspeth Rai (Trustee retiring)

Honorary Treasurer - Miti Rach

Journal Editor - Dr Gillian Campbell (Trustee retiring)

Education sub-committee chair – Jane Dixon

Research Development Officer - Shirley Bustard (Trustee retiring)

Area representative coordinator – Helen Shepherd

Conference organising committee chair - Debbie Plowman

Public relations officer / Communications officer - Lucia Berry 

Ordinary trustee - post unfilled

Ordinary trustee - post unfilled


Below this email, and in the following links, you will find the Agenda for the AGM, Proxy Postal and Postal (email) forms, and the minutes of the AGM 2021.  All the following important documents for you to read and return as required before 5pm on the 2nd November 2022.

The links are as follows:

Chair report

Treasurer report

POGP accounts 2022

AGM agenda

Postal voting form

Proxy voting

AGM minutes 2021 

Proposed member category rewording

Any questions or feedback is gratefully received and can be directed to me at

Kind regards,

Dr Kate Lough

Chair of POGP  


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